Page name: Don't take the c.u.r.e. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-23 07:31:59
Last author: Sideways
Owner: Sideways
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the c.u.r.e. Rules have been changed. Thus I have won a pyhrric victory against... Fuck I forgot what I was arguing about...

This sucked. Yeah I was about 80% right and 20% exactly what I was fighting against. Eh maybe it's closer to 60-40. Everyone who agreed with me didn't get involved, and everyone who disagreed did a fair job of gang-raping my P.R.

So yeah, I regret the hell out of this. This wasn't even what I was mad at really. My RL was kicking my ass and I took it out on a bunch of roleplay snobs. High risk low reward shit folks.

Anyway, I'm the one who's really gonna pay for this fight, so please, everyone enjoy the poles in your butts and the motes in your eye. I like to think the ones in mine got a little smaller after this learning experience.

So, until the scars fade from time and are forgotten, I'll enjoy my stigma and you all can enjoy your own stuff, whatever it is.

Btw The ET Opinion Directory still needs support. Everyone who watches this page, friend or foe, join and do something for the good of ET! I need administrators, rule editing help, formatting, and promotion help! You can help shape it any way you think would improve it!

Username (or number or email):


2011-05-20 [Aeolynn]: I have to be honest I never read the rules... I didn't think I'd ever need to as I've never had a problem with gms, and normally, in roleplays I'm in, I'm the gm, or a partner. You know my favorites are one-on-ones ;) I support the group just because I think it has the most potential to gather roleplayers together. The other rp groups made me feel icky just from the name, and this ones name is rather clever.

I don't support the way flisky dealt with it, or treated you. That's all.

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: C.A.N.C.E.R. supports this wiki.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: You missed my point, Aeo. Please read Don't take the c.u.r.e once more and try again. The way Flisky treated me is not my point. I even apoligised on CURE as well as in this wiki for calling her names. Do not patronize me, that will not get you anywhere.

This Wiki is about selfishness, self-superiority, being a jerk and above all, a commentary on how these people can be so narrow-minded and dumb that they actually cant read. What I mean is their brains are so conditioned to responding to people that are ill informed or selfish themselves that they actually cannot perceive a congruent and sensible argument.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Also, whoever discovers the secret subliminal message of this wiki (hint, THERE IS ONE and it's actually a negative thing about my specific arguement,) gets a bonus prize, an actual transcibed message chain in which I pwn a council member.

Also, a LOT LOT LOT of people who have read this missed my point and think I'm an anti establishment, anti-ET council douchebag. Again, you fail. re-read my message and try again. No where on here do I attack the council itself AT ALL! I merely mention that a few people I was extremely angry with and in my opinion are assholes, et cetera, are ON the council.
I was expressing concern that certain INDIVIDUALS I perceive to be stupid are in a decision making body on this site. To find out which one, you gotta find the hidden message :D

(hint: its not a code, or cipher. It's an argument.)

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Also, please don't blurt out the solution to the puzzle on the comments section of this wiki. I don't support direct attacks on ET members, however valid, in a protest wiki. Message me if you think you figured it out and I will message you with the specific ET member and any others who crop up and get chopped down as this war of ideas continues.

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Awesome!

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: You pwn a council member? O.o

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Sure why not? Pwn'ing is usually pretty funny if done properly. Such an example of this would be:

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: No one ever pwns me...

You jerks.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Well, my pwnage of this member will only be funny if you agree with me or can suspend interest in my personal defamation of their character. However, the core points of my message are pretty clear objective pwnage.

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: You wanna throw down, [Nioniel]?!

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: :) Im never interested in anything! Especially not boobies. *nods*

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Batman could so pwn me any day...oh wait. Sorry. Wrong wiki.

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Aha! Mort! I knew you'd show up (because you're watching this page, mostly)! Have at you!

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: Hyah! *stabs Loth by accident*

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: HEY!! How'd I get brought into this??!! Don't make me use my mad ninja skillz on you, boy!

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: *punches [Sideways] on purpose* :P

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Is immune to comment spam banter* :P

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: *banters uncontrollably*

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Meh. I'll just repost my pwnage puzzle offer every once in a while. Feel free to exercise your right to be retarded

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: But they are roleplaying. That isn't retarded. It's fun. However, it is your wiki. If you ask them to stop, I am sure they will comply. You will comply, won't you guys?

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: It's one of my favorite rights. :)

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Of course, I like [Sideways]. :) I'm not trying to piss him off.

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Yes you are, admit it!? Off with her head!

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: *Busily drafts a wiki work that shall rival Thomas Paine's Common Sense* yeah yeah, you can play Power Rangers all you want kids...

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: ooooh....I like Thomas Paine.

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: *sticks tongue out at [Sideways]*

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: It's Morphin' Time!


2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Go! Go! Power Rangers! :D

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: OMGBBQ!! I frackin love Power Rangers!!!


I totally just typed that out loud didn't I?

2011-05-20 [Paul Doyle]: Did anyone else notice Zordon is a disembodied dead ringer for Rush Limbaugh?

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Yep. I have a vision!

This will be the first of many rantings about stuff that I want to put into a debate/argument/ranting/review/revolution WIki I want to create.

I'm gonna have all rants divided into categories, like for example

(Elftown Policy
(Writing and roleplay
(special interest wiki's

Then like outside world stuff like

(Moral and social philosophy

(Existential Philosophy/belief *which should be separate from religious ideological discussion, in my opinion. I wanna see people presenting ideas WITHOUT quoting scripture here!*
(Section for people who wont shut up about the flying spaghetti monster

(Actual meaningful culture with theme, nuance, undertone and intellectual stimulation
(American Culture
(Video Games

(Special interest crap in real life
(Green crap
(war/human tragedy awareness
(legalization/criminalization of ______

And et cetera and so on. Anyone think that's cool?

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Those are good debate topics. It will be interesting to see how it pans out.

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: I do. I'd be interested in what you have to say about Elftown Policies. It seems like a hot topic these days, and it's always neat to hear other people's thoughts on them.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Oh I forgot I want ET members to submit stuff to it!! I want them to argue with each other and pull hair! I might just post some stuff on it that starts it off, but I really want it to be a popular discussion wiki for all Elftowners!

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Basically, it will be a web/network of links to personal wiki's where people present their views and others can flame the shit out of them or bow down to their all inspiring correctness, lol. As wiki owner I will present my views but probably severely limit my discussion of other's views for positive publicity reasons, lol

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: *bows* I'm always happy to pull Mort's hair. :D

Seriously though, that would be really cool, if most Elftowners weren't the type who fought over everything and who took everything so seriously. It would be nice to read a conversation about something that mattered on this site without everyone getting their panties in a bunch and getting offended.

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: I'll show you, sucker. I'll go bald!

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Everywhere...? O.o

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: Especially everywhere!

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Oh it's on Mort. It's on like Donkey Kong.

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Well played, Sir.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Sorry. Nionel, there will always be screaming jackasses with pitch forks and their panties crammed so far up their ass they taste cotton. But if you get everyone together in one place, random dissonance in other places will decrease. Wiki owners will demand you take it to "Sideways' magical emporium of your dumbass opinions *current working title" or, if the rebel is spouting off schizophrenic nonsense or actual, literal gibberish they can still be crammed into Bob's Diner

Also, it will be as nature truly intended. The intellectually strong will survive, and flourish and the unbelievably stupid will still flourish, but only in the dredges of their own waste.

Win for all I say

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: That reminds me, I need to go finish playing Donkey Kong 64. I haven't even beaten King K. Rool with Tiny yet...

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: I have no real problem with it until people start spouting off that they're reporting one another left and right for disagreeing with them. It always amazes me that people who can't stand that anyone could possibly have any opinion that differs with their own would knowingly participate in and comment on a page which is soley intended for such conversations.


2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: I haven't even gotten that far on DK64, but that's mostly because I still haven't beaten Super Mario 64. Stupid Lava worlds... >.<

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: Maybe this wiki will do better than the ill fated Argue With Mort.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Yes, because you allowed people to gang up on you. Your whole premise is that your tiny beacon of common sense could shine through a tidal wave of dark, abject stupidity. That can't work. People will just turn into an uncivilized mob of slobbering, blood thirsty demonizers. that will still happen in my wiki, but it will be so compartmentalized it won't get so bad as to be uncontrollable.

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: And yeah, Nionel, that is the A-1 reason I FUCKING HATE c.u.r.e. I disagreed, (with inflammatory language I admit,) and they threatened me with bans. Fucking cowards

2011-05-20 [Thunder Cid]: I don't remember seeing anything about a ban.

2011-05-20 [Nioniel]: Well, I don't RP, so I can't really agree or disagree with the rules of the page because of my complete lack of any and all experience when it comes to that sort of thing. I just try to see all sides of things, and keep Mort as bald as possible. :D

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: I remember getting a guard sicced on me who said "If you post/comment on someones wiki who does not want you to, you can get banned from Elftown." Flisky herself didn't tattletale, she asked someone else to. Anyway my last comment isn't literally what happened. it's virtually what happened. It's apparently not a discussion site. My opinions are unwanted.

2011-05-20 [Chimes]: You weren't threatened with a ban :P You were just told that wiki-harrassment is a ban-able offense. (If you mean what you were told by the Guards, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by what I know.)

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Chimes, honey, you just said exactly what I said which is exactly what the guard said. What are you disagreeing about?

Oh, you don't think the guard was threatening me. No, the person who called the guard was threatening me. The guard must uphold the rules of elftown, which protect wiki ownership, and within that protect people who are close-minded and intolerant.

2011-05-20 [Chimes]: Your comment didn't come up until I submitted mine, I was replying to the first one :P Sorries!

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: Protect wiki ownership? <img:stuff/sutN.gif> *backs away slowly*

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: See...that is why we need a reply button in the comment boxes. it would be nice. Especially when someone comments and then 200 comments later you want to respond!

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Lulz. It's okay, I love all you guys. *thinks* my opinion wiki is also going to have posting limits, I think. Probably to prevemnt the site being flooded with too much bullshit by one person *CoughSammieHcoughcough* I would never ever criticize a person FOR their beliefs, *though I would criticize the HELL out of their beliefs by themselves* but I think it would be dangerous to allow wanton intellectual rampage.

2011-05-20 [Chimes]: @Loth: I'm on both sides of the fence with that one, it would be useful... but too many buttons is not goood. :P

2011-05-20 [Lothuriel]: @[Chimes] It would only have to be a small box above the submit button or something.

2011-05-20 [Mortified Penguin]: The guards don't protect wiki ownership. Like when [Sunrose] stole Bob's Diner from me for a year or so. Or when they took                from [Magus Ferox] without her permission and gave it to [Gosu] (a joint account owned by The Non Crew). Or that time they allowed [Mortified Penguin] to engineer a clever takeover of anthro lovers from [Adnama].

2011-05-20 [Thunder Cid]: Okay I'm trying to meet you half way on this. You are upset because there was a report sent about you because you were asked not to comment on a wiki that you got upset over for having optional guidelines for roleplays that you see are one sided and "Nazi-like"? See I keep reading and reading this to figure out what exactly it is you are trying to convey. What exactly are you upset about?

2011-05-20 [Sideways]: Meh, man I'm moving on to bigger and better things, man! My hatred has opened my eyeeeeessss...

Oh, I'm just saying in a big, overblown, obnoxiously thorough way that the GM rules page is blatant pro-GM proganada, it sucks, it's not useful information. It's offensive and I think anyone who believes in it, stands by it or even abides by it is discredited as a "good roleplayer"

2011-05-20 [Thunder Cid]: Okay I get that. People are entitled to their opinions of course. Now can you argue that this whole situation isn't a little overblown. If a person does not want to use the guideline that's cool and it's not going to hurt anyones feelings. Also remember that there are GM restriction guidlines as well. Those are in case one of our endorsed games has a dictator at the helm and they are entitled to some power as well to make the game enjoyable.

Do you not feel this is all blown out of proportion? We can easily agree to disagree without further slander or ill will I'm sure. Also if you are that against the guidelines work with us on fine tune them. What do you say, let's put all of this behind us?

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: Slander, in this context means I present as irrefutable proof that anyone associated with cure is an elitist, tyrannical douchebag who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit or a person who accepts and allows/supports elitist, tyrannical douchebags who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit.

What I am actually doing is implying, and clearly stating my own completely relative and un-empirical opinion that anyone associated with cure is an elitist, tyrannical douchebag who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit or a person who accepts and allows/supports elitist, tyrannical douchebags who could only make un-enjoyable crap that stifles creativity and stresses the importance of meaningless bullshit.

2011-05-21 [Chimes]: Random spam comment: At this time of night, my brain had real trouble actually reading those words. XD Derpy Chimes is derpy.

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: It's meant to be humorous. I'm making fun of my staunch opinion. I'm trying not to say the fellows at CURE are bad people (though it's hard and I've said many things to imply that anyway,) but I'm saying their ideas are bad.

I'm saying that just by enjoying themselves on c.u.r.e. they are, by association, tacitly accepting and condoning principles that I can barely imagine being any more offensive, present on c.u.r.e. rules

what I am saying about the members themselves is that they make my brain explode with disbelief that they not only promote/condone the existance of such blatant and offensive elitist-roleplayer propaganda, but will actively defend it against honest scrutiny, and defame me as any number of adjectives and nouns which are NOT pleasant or appreciative.

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: Anyway. I'm tired of being angry and mean for angry and mean's sake. This work of protest, which is just my own opinion, gave me an idea for a Wiki specifically designed to hold theses, arguments, reviews, rants, and any other form of personal expression known as

The ET Opinion Directory!!!!!

Everyone is welcome to comment on the wiki, which is under construction. I need some helpers, administrators, and wiki designers to make it the best wiki it can be! The only requirement for any of these positions on this wiki I will own
is the desire to help create a specific place for Elftown Members to argue, discuss, and debate any point. I believe this can help many wikis and forums to recover from being flooded with banter and fruitless argument. Let em do it here!!!

I would love to have some endorsement and administrative help from ET Council members for this wiki's development and running.

You are not required to agree with anything I think or say; you must only have the capacity to uphold the wiki's rules, which I penned and am absolutely willing to negotiate.

Anyone who wants to design the layout, make banners, help with HTML stuff I know nothing about, and help improve this wiki in any way, you are MOST WELCOME! :D

Right now it just has a first draft of rules which need to be polished with the help of an ET Council member or guard or secret service dude, or someone who has an official capacity on ET.

I am currently in the process of designing the OPINION CATEGORIZATION INDEX, bwahahaha, please comment with your ideas!!!

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: After a couple people asked me questions like "Do you hate Elftown?" and "What the hell did the council ever do to you?" and my favorite "Do you jerk off to [kians mummy]'s forum posts, you sick freak?" I realize that some of you
might have had an idea that The ET Opinion Directory is an anti-establishment revolutionary page.

Nyuuuuuuu! Not true! It's what I said it is. A place for people to write reviews, rants, observations and personal truths. It's a place to debate philosophy. I wanna do like philosophic "questions of the week" for people to answer. I just want people to have a place to really express who they are on elftown, a place that isn't a special interest wiki where they circle jerk an idea they all agree on. I want it to be like a text based YouTube or something!

2011-05-21 [Mortified Penguin]: However, Bob's Diner actually is an anti-establishment revolutionary page. We openly mock Elftown's authority figures and spit on the rules. Heck, we even had that wiki takeover thing going for a while. Good times.

2011-05-21 [Thunder Cid]: I'll ask again. Can we bury the hatchet, agree to disagree, and understand that there are two different types of roleplayer in ET?

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: No I won't and what you just said is why. What do you mean there's two kinds of roleplayer on ET? Tabletop inspired, game focused super specific RPGs and people who just roleplay by cooperatively creating a story?
Maybe that's true, but that's not what my protest is about. My protest is not

about roleplay format, it's about exposing self worshiping pseudo-intellectual
assholes. It's about vehemently disagreeing with popular promotion of the idea that a roleplay should have centralized power at ALL.

The cure rules really support my contention because not only do they
practically ask you to sacrifice cute animals at the Altar of the Almighty GM, they use condescending language. Maybe you should change them. You said yourself they're not "rules" they're suggestions. Why don't you make some new ones that are less controversial and offensive, and more relevant and helpful.

2011-05-21 [Sideways]: It's also about how much I hate editing on iPhones. No, the spacing was non intentional and does not have meaning on that last comment. Stupid Apple, stupid Safari. Ugh.

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: Ok, first off I just want to say that I damn near pissed myself upon reading the message [Sideways] recieved about [kians mummy]'s forum posts.

And I see where you are coming from and why you would be upset. Personally, I played D&D for YEARS before coming to Elftown and have always been taught that the DM/GM always has the final say (Blue Lightning anyone?). I am in a few games here that do not follow that philosophy and all my games do not follow that philosophy. Also if you were to look at my games I have my rules posted on each game and in the character applications and they are, maybe, ten in length. To assume that just because I am a part of the wiki that I must be am elitist control freak and a douche bag is not only offensive but downright uneducated. You are making generalizations and assumptions based off of little to no information other then what you read on the C.U.R.E. Rules and the following comment-fest. If you would have taken the time to look at the way we played/ran our games then maybe you would realize that this is all unfounded. I try my damnedest to be a nice person to everyone I meet on here and not to "Stir the hornet's nest". Nor am I a person to be easily angered, but I am so upset right now that my acid reflux is acting up.

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: You missed my point too. You don't seem to deny the veracity of my claims, but you do deny their importance. "Oh they're just suggestions" none of you follow them??? Get new ones then! You're not denying the current ones suck! How about the FACT cure has no roleplay information/suggestion page? It has links to other already established pages. Cure's rule page, it's ONLY authoritative information page is exactly what I say it is and you don't deny it, just deny what it means...

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: We have a page that does that, Plot/General Help. This is where we can help those that ask for it with one on one help.Sorry we didnt generalize our help to cover what we think everyone needs help with. And none of us ever said that the cure rules suck, just as it was never stated that those rules must be followed verbatum, that is your assumption and you putting words in our mouths. Most of the rules listed are common sense. Your character cant run up to another PC and say Rams sword through John Doe's gut. Laughs as he falls over dead. unless the other player says ok. And you cant do that to NPCs either unless the GM says ok. The GM is in charge of making sure the story is progressing and if he/she wants it to go a certain way then they will do what they have to. If you go pick up Halo: Reach from the store, your not going to expect it to tell the story you want the way you want where everyone lives. No, everyone dies a noble death so that one may live on. Same goes with Elftown based RPGs, most of them are stories the GM wants to run and needs people to come along for the ride. Any GM will tell you that.

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: And I haven't said this because I haven't really been able to form the words. Basically what really makes me angry is your reason for "The GM decides combat, who hits, who dodges, who hurts and how much." you believe because there are some god modders out there, everyone must sacrifice control because of the few who can't handle it. We both know the large majority of roleplayers can handle being hit. The large majority of roleplayers can fairly hit and not hit. Most can handle a fair mix of saying they hit and saying they try to, but leave it to the other person. Some can even handle the BANE of table top combat, the idea of close quarters grappling.

But those rules say most roleplayers can't handle that sort of responsible game play. They're all too selfish and stupid. That's not what I have seen. 

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: Also, roflmao at your general help thing. It's NOT an information page. It's not a page that provides useful information. It's an "Ask cure for help" page and the only person who has posted is my friend [Alexi Ice] about a character for one of MY rps lol. I should mention that though I love Akane she is ULTRA fickle. I can't get her to do more than create a character before she loses interest. Maybe she doesn't like rping with me, I dunno. Most likely culprit is a lack of attention span..,

but I digress. You have not disproven my point. In fact one can say it strengthens it. Because if a person who creates arguably crap rules has another "suggestion page" that's essentially "ask me what I think about your problem," then wouldn't they use their principles that I think are offensive, wrong and unjust to answer those questions?

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: Chelsey-P V.S. Akayume. I've had to state repeatedly I am not anti council but maybe I SHOULD be. Look at the petty, shameful, way this Council member attacks this person, the very "everyday, average et roleplayer," that I defend on this page. Do I need to present any more proof that cure members are egotistical, self important assholes? Do I need any more proof they think most elftown roleplayers are stupid and hapless?

2011-05-22 [Paul Doyle]: Maybe I'm showing my age. When I read the name of this wiki, the first thing that comes to mind is advice against abducting Robert Smith and his bandmates ;-)

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: It seems to me the only egotistical, elitist person on here is you. You had a disagreement with the members of cure and then after calling the owner a Nazi you were told not to comment till everyone's mood has evened out. Still you continued to post your messages of hate against the members. When you were reported and finally stopped posting you come here to make a wiki to broadcast your hate and personal attacks on those members of cure. It is nothing but you jumping up and down screaming "Look at me! Look at me!" to get the attention of others to hear you rant and spew your hateful comments. And everytime someone counters your opinions all you do is say "You missed my point." or you repeat your opinions all over again. And now your saying that you should be anti-council, yes lets jump on that bandwagon.

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: XD yay, now I know I'm winning the argument! Because when someone devolves their argument down to a wordy version of "I know you are, but what am I?!" you know you're beating some ass.

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: [Lord Josmar] doesn't seem to know the current meaning of those words.

An Egotist does not admit wrong doing and refuses to change their ways. I have yielded and apoligized for a few of my arguments. No single cure member has apoligized for ANYTHING I have argued against.

And you just proved you don't know what elitist means, even though this page contains a written definition. An elitist simply thinks they/their group is better than everyone else. Here I am standing up to a small group for the good of the many and I am an elitist?

Again, I told you when no one cares about this subject, I'll likely drop it. But the more cure members prove themselves to be assholes and thoughtless pricks, then I'm gonna keep showing that information here. 

2011-05-22 [Lord Josmar]: [Sideways] doesn't seem to know the current meaning of his own words.


 [ee-guh-tist, eg-uh-]
a conceited, boastful person.
a selfish person; egoist.

Hm...doesn't mention anything about An Egotist does not admit wrong doing and refuses to change their ways. Does fit you very well though with your "Im right, your wrong, and thus you are assholes, pricks, elitists, blah blah blah." along with your own quote "I think I am a damn good roleplayer. I think I'm among the best on ET in character development, plot development, and creativity. That is my opinion of myself."

Also from

   [ih-lee-tiz-uhm, ey-lee-] Show IPA
practice of or belief in rule by an elite.
consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group.

1950–55; elite + -ism

—Related forms
e·lit·ist, noun, adjective
an·ti·e·lit·ism, noun
an·ti·e·lit·ist, noun, adjective
non·e·lit·ist, adjective, noun

Hmm...doesn't say anything about, "An elitist only cares about him or herself and a small group of people he/she views as equals. Everyone who does not measure up to their standards is beneath them. Commonly, elitists insult and degrade anyone who is not as smart or talented as the the elitist sees him or herself."

So maybe before you start flinging words around you should actually look them up.

And why would I apologize for something you have argued against, ok here is an apology. "I am sorry that you read the rules as the Word of God and feel that since we put them up there with the notation Rules for GMs to use (or not use) in their RPs. Examples of good roleplay running and good management. that we are horrible, horrible people who are deserving of public reprimand and ridicule at the hands of someone who is one of the biggest hypocrites in the world (For more information on this please see ET Opinion Directory and look at how you talk about the Strict rules that they have to follow when submitting on "opinion").

And I know your going to go on to say, "But I am going to make the wiki democratic so they can change the rules to what they want." and I'm glad for you and hope that works out, I dont see it happening, Owner and Benevolent Dictator.

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: XD you are an IDIOT!!!!! Roflmao! Thank you for proving my point again!! Yes you stand for rule of the elite! Th GM's! And your use of my other wiki as proof is so soul crushingly pathetic! The EOD is designed so any administrator has the same amount of power I do, if not more, and currently, the only requirement for being an administrator is asking me "hey, can I be one?" if you show a small amount of competency, and an understanding of the usefulness of the rules, which are about 95% about protecting against plagiarism and format requirements. Hell even you could be one if you really wanted to, Josmar.

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: Because I want people who disagree with me on my wiki. So your attempt to call me a hypocrite has FAILed.

2011-05-22 [Sideways]: Also thank you, because the dictionary definition says right under it "anything not listed here is not true of this word, this is the only interpretation of these words"

Your argument would still FAIL even if it were so, because the strict definition still perfectly describes cure AND you.

2011-05-23 [Sideways]: Any way, I'm pretty much done with this. This whole thing was over a selfish idea anyway. I still stand by my arguments, but..,

the real reason I started the war on cure was because when I got on cure I was so excited to get into the high level rpg community. When I found out I hated pretty much most people there, and a lot of their ideas, I was very depressed and frustrated. So I lashed out.

Anyway go look on Chelsey-P V.S. Akayume for my formal white flag waving. (white flags signify truce, not surrender, mind you.)

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